Quick Start


PERFORM is a pure Python code and does not (as of the writing of this section) depend on any non-Python software. As such, everything can be installed directly through pip and is done so through the pip install command explained below.

The code is only actively tested using Python 3.7.4. I have arbitrarily set the minimum required Python version to be 3.6. I also only actively test it in Ubuntu 18.04, but it should run without a hitch on other Linux distributions, Windows, and macOS.

The baseline solver only requires three additional packages: numpy, scipy, and matplotlib. I have not set minimum required version for these packages, but will when I make some time to check at what version the code fails.

The TensorFlow-Keras autoencoder ROM models of course depend on tensorflow, though the code will only throw an error if you attempt to run one of those models and so does not require tensorflow to run the baseline solver or other ROM models. These models are only tested for tensorflow==2.4.1, and I make no guarantees whatsoever that the code will work correctly or optimally for older versions.


To get up and running with PERFORM, first clone the source code repository by executing the following command from your terminal command line:

git clone https://github.com/cwentland0/perform.git

or use your Git client of choice, along with the above HTTPS address. PERFORM is currently installed locally via pip (or pip3, if your pip does not automatically install for your Python 3 distribution). To do this, enter the PERFORM root folder and execute

pip install -e .

This will install PERFORM, as well as any required package dependencies which you have not yet installed.


After installation is complete, a new script, perform, will be added to you Python scripts. This is the command that you will use to execute PERFORM. The options for running the code from the command line are as follows:

Note that all command-line options are optional: WORK defaults to the terminal’s current working directory, PARAM defaults to ./solver_params.inp, and ROM defaults to ./rom_params.inp. The format and input key values of PARAM and ROM are described in solver_params.inp and rom_params.inp, respectively.

You can check that PERFORM works by entering any of the example case directories (e.g. perform/examples/shock_tube) and executing


If running correctly, your terminal’s STDOUT should start filling with output from each time step iteration and live field and probe plots should appear on your screen.


Coming soon!